Tuesday, June 30, 2020

My mom found this on Facebook and sent it to me.

https://ift.tt/38eDfRE via /r/funny https://ift.tt/38dEC36

An "attempted murder"

https://ift.tt/2Ywsdms via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2BOKx2p

I hate you Patrick

https://youtu.be/j_o6XMAeX-4 via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2YN5MuH

Thought it was weird I never heard the toothbrush hit the floor...

https://ift.tt/38d5xvY via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2BYqHSf

Is Taco Bell lying because I haven’t heard about this

https://ift.tt/2NIJiEz via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2BgobXS

I wrote a song based on a tabloid news article about shrinkage.

https://youtu.be/7jx5-Ial2N0 via /r/funny https://ift.tt/3gd53Zp

Pls give catto present

https://ift.tt/3eMnDHu via /r/funny https://ift.tt/3gf7wTb


https://ift.tt/3dNlLNt via /r/funny https://ift.tt/3ijBJT2

So, I just got kinda drunk again and now have to courage to share my drunk attempt at juggling. Stay safe y'all :))

https://ift.tt/38evBXs via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2BWYiwc

This Lance Armstrong poster didn't age well.

https://ift.tt/3gk0aOt via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2AjndJR

The designers at Gucci have apparently ingested the kool aid

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZpQsnvx1IY via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2YLa4CA

omg I WANT it

https://ift.tt/3iiynj6 via /r/funny https://ift.tt/38iy2bm

Iron Maiden is in his top 10

https://ift.tt/3eMnHHe via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2NPlMpn

They don’t age well.

https://ift.tt/3eNUcoz via /r/funny https://ift.tt/31v0zsW

Catfish's exist

https://ift.tt/2NL2pOs via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2NPlSxf

Uhh...the skull and crossbones might be a little much for this situation

https://ift.tt/3dNlES3 via /r/funny https://ift.tt/3gfdK5G

Infinite brim

https://ift.tt/38hWH04 via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2ZnMD1s


https://ift.tt/3gdd9RL via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2VuA82Q

Yup, this seems about right.

https://ift.tt/2ZnMCuq via /r/funny https://ift.tt/38hWDNS


https://ift.tt/2AiExi5 via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2CQqAbW

So I just finished watching Stranger Things: Season 3 and I gotta tell you that there were moments where I was kinda hoping for a possibility of El showing up with a lightsaber... I mean, she literally is in the light side of the force! Was Mind Flayer the Sith Lord now ? IDK, just a thought!

https://ift.tt/38gnKIR via /r/funny https://ift.tt/31wACt9

Tentin Quarantino

https://ift.tt/3idMbLT via /r/funny https://ift.tt/3gcst0V

Chick-fil-A drive thru workers looking like Minions on a rainy day

https://ift.tt/2YMCzQt via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2YPqom2

Monday, June 29, 2020

King baby in my chair

https://ift.tt/38nZ55v via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2YHUyHC

Page eight is covered in chloroform.

https://ift.tt/3gmOOJB via /r/funny https://ift.tt/31zN1N7

The 4 horseman of get me out of this job already

https://ift.tt/2VLOwEf via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2BNMI6k


https://ift.tt/2CT7kuy via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2CWGbHf

Couple years ago from today, spooked my dad into spilling his scotch.

https://ift.tt/2NFEEHx via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2CWGamF

Cleaning pots until I realized what I had done

https://ift.tt/2NGU0LO via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2YKDr8k

Saw this at Target the other day

https://ift.tt/2NERQfL via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2NH8lIo

Relationship Advice...

https://ift.tt/2CKmbHt via /r/funny https://ift.tt/31sHwzz

"I bring you loooove"

https://ift.tt/3eL8O8c via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2Vty2jV

What does E.Y.E.S. spell?

https://ift.tt/31t4Ay1 via /r/funny https://ift.tt/3g8cG3l

Who says dogs can’t play video games?

https://ift.tt/38nWwAp via /r/funny https://ift.tt/3ieB19z

Times ticking...

https://ift.tt/2NH8iwc via /r/funny https://ift.tt/3gbDZtz

"Hippie in True Sense" - Covid 19 Cases / 100,000 People in Boulder

https://ift.tt/3gmLHkT via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2YHRLhC

Found this sticky note wall at a Starbucks in DC and did what I felt was necessary

https://ift.tt/3dHbrq9 via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2NH8go4

Guess the cursed songs at the comments

https://ift.tt/2VwaY3V via /r/funny https://ift.tt/3icUuHC


https://ift.tt/3iaUFDk via /r/funny https://ift.tt/3eLmLCX

Can it get any better than this?

https://ift.tt/2CMW1Uw via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2CTMISV

You must have misunderstood us...

https://ift.tt/3eMljAb via /r/funny https://ift.tt/3eWh7Ok

This water is a little basic

https://ift.tt/2CTMHhP via /r/funny https://ift.tt/3iiFqse

He's just trying to do to the white woman what the white man has done to black men for 400 years

https://youtu.be/RszOkTkxixk via /r/funny https://ift.tt/3ieL52f

That’s some sensual breathalizing.

https://ift.tt/2ZoTbgf via /r/funny https://ift.tt/2VLLEHt

Unicorn centipede

https://ift.tt/3igrNtx via /r/funny https://ift.tt/3igarg8

Chicago 1995

https://ift.tt/2Bm90w7 via /r/funny https://ift.tt/3i7BvOC

Sunday, June 28, 2020